Many of you will probably know of Bane Legions and their fantastic range of resin miniatures. And with good reason, from what I have seen, heard and read they are probably the best mini's money can buy. I've been umming and arghing about their products for quite a while now, and all though some of it doesn't take my fancy for one reason or another, some of it really does get my attention. I've just ordered a a couple of their minis for my own collection and thought that I would go for something small, so I went for Ulric and Muldo, initially to use as bosses in a Hero Quest quest that I'm working on, but also because they are very nice evil looking mini's and I want to paint them. As soon as I get them, expect something that almost resembles a review.
Ulreg, he has a huge Axe. |
Muldo, looks like something out of Resident Evil. |
Anyhow, today while I was aimlessly wondering the world of the interweb, killing time and no doubt my brain, I came across this beast. Again, by Bane Legions, Galhwch Lladd Llaw. Oh my, Oh oh oh My.
Anthropomorphic Dragony Goodness. |
Just looking at Galhwch I start to drool, the figure looks amazing. HUGE and amazing. Standing at 86mm its going to tower over any adventurer that happens across its path. And the fact that it's reptilian means that its man parts should be tucked neatly inside the base of tail, so there won't be any surprises for anyone who happens to look under his groin armour. Galhwch is a kind of cross bread boasting human proportions with a splash of Dragon thrown in for good measure. A huge frame nicely rounded off with some battered armour, and spikes. You can see from the pictures, it's just nice. I want him.
Mimics the concept design perfectley. |